Snow day activity: Help your teen identify their passion
you’re in Georgia or other parts of the Southeast, today’s snow day is a great
chance to get your student thinking about what to major in at college.
this exercise with your teen to get them thinking—-once they tire of video
games or come in from sledding to warm up.
is the first of my 3 Circles exercise. I'll share circles 2 & 3 in the next
post. If you want those now, email me at I'll send you the
#1: Stuff You Love.
is your student excited or passionate about? Use these questions to prompt
their thinking.
Where do I spend my time? My money?- What do I like to talk about, learn about, or teach
others about?
- If I didn’t care what anyone else thought, what would I
love to do?
- What would I do without getting paid for it?
the answers you get to see what your student might want to study in college.
If your student is confused about what to study in college, give us a call. We help students find the right direction for them.Pam Scott, 404-248-9475

Communication in a
Modern Family
the request of parents, we have added a new offering focused on communication
within a family. We explore the different communication styles among family
members and how to address problems those different styles create. In
addition, we share a format teens can use to make decisions. Call us for more
information on how to improve the dialogue in your home. 404-248-9475.