“Is college the only answer? I know my son is not college material, but he is very talented in other ways. What do you suggest for kids like him?”
I was so grateful for her question and the chance to address it in this blog. I can easily get on my soapbox about the number of kids going to college, who go into debt then drop out and try to pay students loans while working in a minimum wage job.
College is NOT the only answer, nor should it be for many kids. Here are some facts parents need to be aware of.
- Almost 80% of jobs in the US do not require a typical “4-year degree.” Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Only 56% of freshmen manage to get a degree in 6 years, so the “4-year” standard is a myth for many families. National Center for Education Statistics
- In 2008, more than 6.3 million adults with a bachelor’s degree or higher were working in jobs requiring only short-term OJT. Parent’s Guide to College and Careers
What’s a parent to do? The best resource on this topic I’ve found is this report from Georgetown University. Check it out. Our students have options, many of which we don't even know about.
If you don’t believe me, read the words of this New Orleans high school student, published in Time magazine. While the author is African American, her arguments cross all racial lines.